Ahead of Apricot blossom season in Ladakh, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call for Local for Global has enthused the Apricot farmers in the region. In his 87th episode of Mann Ki Baat programme, referring to Ladakh produced Apricot export to Dubai, Mr Modi appealed to take local produce to global shores to be part of export economy.
Ladakh overcame the hurdles to export its high quality apricots and apples for the first time, after becoming Union Territory.
Ladakh also produces the finest quality of Pashmina which has global buyers. With packages and programmes, UT Ladakh administration is promoting Pashmina and value addition to local produce to export Pashmina products. The administration is also trying to get the GI tag for Ladakh Pashmina.
In the first ever Vanijya Utsav of District Products export workshop last year, the administration increased awareness of the horticulture farmers and Pashmina producers on maintaining quality of Ladakh brand, in domestic and global markets. The self-reliant women cooperatives like, Two thousand membered Pome Rangsten Rigtsal Tsogspa has already started working in the direction of targeting exports of local produce and empowering Ladakhi women.
Ladakh Pashmina trade is estimated to be worth over 100 crore rupees. While over 30 thousand metric tonnes of annual horticulture produce, especially apricot and apples are now spreading wings to reach foreign shores.